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Internet Business Strategies

Most companies today have websites, perhaps designed by a young person with some HTML experience or a professional graphic designer. Unfortunately, many site owners stop there, apparently believing that once a website is running, it can be left alone.

Marketing experts strongly disagree.

In today’s business environment, traditional marketing methods such as trade shows, trade magazine ads, direct mail, and the Yellow Pages are declining in effectiveness. Both consumers and business to business intenders depend increasingly on the Internet as their first-look resource for all types of goods and services.

Today, an ongoing—and continuously evolving—Web strategy is absolutely mission-critical, no matter what your business or industry.

A website does much more than replace a brochure. It generates sales leads, defines your image, reflects your knowledge and experience, and provides customer service. It must sell, inform, and entertain. Since your site is working for you 24-7, it will be the first and most lasting impression that you make on new customers and clients.

Your site must therefore embody and reinforce your Unique Selling Proposition—the essential reason you exist as a business.

Your website must grow and change, just as your business evolves to keep pace with its environment. Consider that your site is a real time view of your company, creating and reinforcing those impressions daily.

Think of your website as the window into your business—located on the busiest street in the world. What do people see? What do you see? Comparing your site to the ones you’ve come to respect and rely on yourself, would you do business with your company?

The business professionals of The Reynolds Group can evaluate your website as a driving force. We can help you develop a strategy that will leave the dynamic impression you want and get the results you expect. Sometimes, a few simple changes make all the difference. Other times, a fresh new approach is the answer.

Let us help you get more from the Internet.

Contact Tom Reynolds:
[email protected]




Strategic Steps

  1. Evaluate your business and its mission
  2. Set goals
  3. Develop a Web strategy
  4. Design or redesign your site and develop new content
  5. Implement your new strategy
  6. Monitor and measure results





The Reynolds Group
La Canada, CA

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